WLF(Watch List Filtering)

As a fundamental principle, all customers who request real-name verification financial transactions are subject to sanction list filtering.

Major Functions
  • Managing the watch list data according to KoFIU's watch list filtering eligible target and arbitrary decision rule
  • Adjusting the matching rate of the search engine (Exact Matching and Fuzzy Matching) to the context and purpose
  • Checking for the matching customer if the person is identical from the person of sanction list data
  • Manage White List for the WLF passed customers
  • Search engine solution with Fuzzy Matching algorithm
Algorithm Description
Edit Distance Algorithm for defining morphological similarities between strings, such aswords or sentences
Dice Coefficient Image processing Algorithm utilizing deep learning to define similarity by dividing images automatically
Jaro-Winkler Distance Algorithm for defining similarities by focusing on transpositions between two words
Hamming Distance Algorithm for measuring how many characters result in errors during the transmission of a string
Cosine Similarity Algorithm to regularize the length of a document when comparing similarities betweendocuments
Letter Pair Similarity Algorithm for efficiently measuring similarity between charactersin variable length strings
Soundex Algorithm for measuring and defining similarity by searching for English names with similar pronunciation